Hurray, Hurray!
I'm finally somebody!
No, I'm already in the phone book. I'm somebody because I have a blog!
Actually, Theresa had to set it up for me and I don't know all the correct Internet lingo and abbreviations, but I at least look like I'm somebody.
Of course, having a blog, or face book page, or twitter account doesn't make you somebody important. I have followed a few of those pages from different people and some of them can be a real waste of time; not communicating any thing except the boring details of an ordinary life. (Oh, I'm not talking about YOUR social network page!)
I want my space to be different. I hope I can convey something of value that will help you find true purpose- and importance-in your life.
You see, I am someone important-not because I have a blog spot, but because I am a child of the King.
He created me and even while I was still within my mother's womb He knew all of my days.
It's hard for us to comprehend a Creator who knows each of us perfectly, loves us completely, and believes each of us is important and special.
You know, until you realize that you are a child of the King-and surrender your will to Him-your life won't have any real meaning or purpose-and nothing you do will be important.
But once you discover who you are "In Christ" life has real purpose.
You see, I used to live life for myself-working to satisfy my desire for pleasure. Now that I understand that I am a child of the King, and He has a plan for me-I want everything I do and say to be pleasing to Him. It is the reasonable thing to do-don't you think?
And that gives me an important purpose for living.
So how about You? Have you discovered that you ARE someone important?
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