Wow! has it been a whole month since I last wrote? I can't believe how I let the time get away from me. If you want to know the truth, I have been running from one priority to the next without thinking even two or three days down the road. It has been crazy and taking time to type out this blog was a low priority.
If I came to your church this spring for a visit you heard my "Rest for Elijah" message. I have to confess I have violated all the principles I teach in that lesson this past month. In fact, our pastor here in Charles City was preaching on the fear of loneliness this past weekend and my wife slapped me upside the head. You see, I have been on a little bit of a pity party because I have been so busy getting the camp ready for the summer season, and quite frankly, it seemed as though no one was helping. I felt all alone. Pastor says that kind of loneliness is bad. Duh!
(I feel much better now by the way. Our summer staff is here, many of the things I hoped to get done before the season started have been completed and Theresa and I actually took part of the weekend off for John's birthday.)
But do you know something? Even in my struggle with being exhausted there were times when I'd step back and realize God had personally put me in this ministry-and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
It was interesting, pastor was preaching from II Timothy 4. I have often referred to this passage myself. Paul tells his faithful helper that he had "fought the good fight" and "kept the faith." He had finished the race well and now a crown awaited him from the Lord. Paul laid it all on the line to serve the Lord. Paul was not leaving anything in his tank. He was going to expend every drop of energy he had for the Lord. As every coach will tell his players "Leave it all out on the court. Don't hold anything back!"
I got the idea for this blog from Sam B. He brought a group of teens up to work a few weeks ago and in their down time showed a clip from the movie "Facing the giants." It is your typical feel good football movie about a struggling team and a coach who pushed his players to leave it all on the field. The clip he showed made me realize I wanted to be just like that player, who, being exhausted, carried another player, on his back, while crawling across the length of the field. He had given everything. He was completely spent. That's what I want to do.
When I look back on life I don't want to have any regrets about what I should have done.
So, yes I am exhausted. Yes, some days I feel like there is no one working along side of me.
But that is OK because I know the prize that awaits me from the Lord, as long as I keep the faith and remain steadfast in the work.
Blessed Exhaustion!
So, how about you, are you "leaving it all on the court" for the Lord?
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